Squirrel House

Worried about your furry tailed friends this winter? Well, one way to help them out is to build a squirrel house….that’s right…it’s a thing.  Not only are you helping out the little guys, they/re actually a pleasure to watch care for their families throughout the year and also help with reforestation as they really don’t remember where they bury all those acorns.  A fun project for the entire family….and the squirrels will thank you.


Wood owl house

Wood bracket

Mason jar (make sure the neck will fit inside the house opening)

2 pieces of craft wood


Wood glue

2’ drill bit



First, we’re going to create separate feeding and nesting areas.  Cut two roughly 1/2” by 3” strips of craft wood and glue them inside the owl house roughly half way down the wall.





Using the jigsaw, cut a piece of craft wood that resembles the top of a grand piano, making sure that the flat sides are slightly shorter than the walls.  Use glue to attach the piece to the supports.  The squirrel will use the bottom area for nesting and the top for entry and feeding.

Cut a piece of craft wood that is slightly longer than your mason jar.  Measure the length of the mason jar when it’s neck is inserted in the opening.  Mark this measurement on the wood and glue a short piece of dowel at this mark.  The dowel will hold the jar in place.

Attach the piece of wood to the top of the bracket and then attach the bracket to the house.  You can use wood glue, nail gun or screws - whichever you find easier.

Use the hole saw to create a new opening into the top area on the side of the house, locate the hole near the back of the house so the squirrel can access it easily.

Fill the mason jar with tasty and healthy tidbits - try unshelled nuts, sunflower seeds, and ears of corn - and nestle onto the stand. Now hang the house in a tree and sit back and soon you’ll be watching a nice squirrel couple move in and, by spring, raise their family.