Etched Glass Gifts

Here are the step by step instructions for the etched glass pieces I made on Hallmark's Home and Family....During the holidays, I'm always looking for original inexpensive gift ideas for family and friends - and this fits the bill! I used glass pieces that I already had in the house, found at flea markets and purchased inexpensively in stores. Here I use a small vase that came with flowers into a herb planter - a great gift when given with a pack of seeds. I also made a pair of monogramed wine glasses and a water decanter out of a green wine bottle. The etching is actually in the surface of the glass, so the pieces are dishwasher safe and won't fade over time.
Glass to be Etched
Soap and Water
Small Paint Brush
Rubber Gloves
Rubbing Alcohol
Etching Cream
Masking Tape
Vinyl Letters
Wash glass piece with soap and water. Dry thoroughly.Tape off the area to be etched. Here I used the masking tape to create a border to frame the words. Press it down well, making sure there are no gaps that the etching creme came seep under. Remember that whatever you cover will NOT be etched. Adding a border such as this does double duty by creating guide lines for your letters.Next, add your vinyl letters and press them down firmly. You can get these at any office supply store, they come in many sizes and styles. Here, I'm going to have smooth glass letters in a field of etched glass. If you want the letters themselves to be etched instead, use adhesive vinyl stencils which you can get at craft stores. Just apply them and tape around the stencils. Start with your center letters and apply them going outward - that makes getting the word centered easier. Take your time and make sure everything is straight!Once you're happy with your design, put on the rubber gloves and clean the area with some rubbing alcohol on a paper towel. This will remove any leftover dirt and oil that will prevent the creme from working. Apply the etching cream liberally to cover the entire area that is to be etched. Move the cream around with the brush to make sure you eliminate any brush marks. Add more creme if necessary. Let dry for 15 minutes. Rinse and remove tape.Voila!