Belt Art
Got a closet full of out-of-date belts? Fear not!!!! This project will empty your closet and fill your walls. Really easy and you're being green - what's better than that?MATERIALS
Utility knife or rotary cutter
Stain and/or paint
Butcher paper (optional)
Stain or paint your plywood. For my smaller pieces I painted one white and one red. For the larger piece, I started with a medium dark stain and once it was dry added a light coat of white paint with a pretty dry brush to create an inner square.
Decide on the shape you want and either draw it directly onto your board with a pencil, or cut a pattern out of the butcher paper and trace it.
Lay you first belt out on the board, starting at the bottom or the top, line it up over your pencil line. Use your utility knife or rotary cutter to cut the belt along the pencil line.
Keep repeating until you have your design filled in. For my larger piece I left a little space between the belts, for the smaller ones I put them edge to edge.
Once the design looks good, go back and affix them to the board. I used hot glue, but would recommend something more permanent as I had to reattach a few of mine after a couple of days (oops!) - especially the heavier belts and buckles.
Hang or stand your new works of art up and admire with pride!