Witch Crash!

I had a great time making our Witch Crash for the front of the Home & Family house. Kudos to Dave Lowe who came up with the design. You can find lots of great stuff on his website at http://davelowe.blogspot.com
I did the unthinkable while putting this together....I didn't take any photos! So here are the instructions with no visuals - sorry!
24" x 48" piece of plywood
Black spray paint
Green spray paint
Mannequin legs
Stripped stockings
"Witch" shoes
Cup hook
Screw Eye
Scrap wood (1"x 1/4" is perfect)
Fabric scrap for skirt
Gorrilla Glue
- Cut around the edges of the plywood to create a jagged border
- Spray paint plywood black
- Spray paint legs green
- Use the Gorilla Glue to attach the legs to the center of the plywood. If you'd like them to be extra sturdy you can add screws through the back of the plywood into the legs.
- Randomly break pieces of the scrap wood and glue it around the plywood lining up the non-broken edge with the edge of the plywood and letting the broken edges end somewhere in the middle of the plywood.
- Lightly spray paint more black around the non-broken edges of the scrap wood and around the legs where they meet the plywood (this just helps the effect by making the edges disappear a little when hung.)
- Add the stockings and shoes to the legs. We spray painted our shoes a glitter purple and added some rips to the stockings for effect.
- Use a staple gun to staple one edge of the fabric into the plywood around the base of the legs. Tatter the fabric as much as you'd like.
- Cut your broom in half in the middle of the handle
- Put the screw eye in one half of the handle and the cup hook in the other.
- Using a screw through the back of the plywood, attach the broom stick part that doesn't have the bristles to the plywood beneath the legs.
- Hang the plywood from the house (we just used two screw eyes and picture hanging wire) and hang the second half of the broom so it dangles.
Don't Text and Fly!!