Reclaimed Lumber Table

Reclaimed lumber is the best. The beauty of the wood carries the piece, meaning that you don't really need to do much to make it a masterpiece. Case in point, this credenza. All it took was one piece of reclaimed lumber and a few pipes from the plumbing department. It helps if you can have Melissa Gilbert give you a hand.
- Lumber, ours was from a building they tore down, but old fence boards would work just as well
- Sixteen 3/4" diameter pipe flanges
- Four 12" black iron pipes, 3/4" diameter, pre-threaded
- Four 24" black iron pipes,, 3/4" diameter, pre-threaded
Cut your wood into two equal lengths. I had one 10' board, so I cut it into two 5' lengths. Attach 4 flanges to the top and 4 to the bottom of the board that will be your lower shelf. Place them approximately 2" in from the sides and 8" in from the end - adjust this spacing if your boards are substantially larger or smaller. Rotate the top flanges 45 degrees from the bottom flanges so the screws won't hit. Hand screw the four 12" pipes into the flanges on the bottom. Attach four additional flanges to the bottom of these. Attach the four 24" pipes to the upper flanges and attach the last four flanges to these. Lay your remaining board on top and use screws to attach the flanges to the underside. Easy breezy.