Framed Branches

In winter you can really see the beauty of branches. Here's a way to bring a little of that beauty inside (and get a little pruning done at the same time!) Oh, and thanks Shanola Hampton for the assist. MATERIALS3 shadow box frames, backs removedPruning shears or pruning sawHot glue STEPSLay your three frames, glass side down, side by side on a table. Lay your branch on top of the frames to decide exactly how it will lay in the frame. I like mine a little off center and you want to make sure that there is something interesting happening in each frame - a branch joint, a cool piece of bark, and interesting bend. Mark on the branch where each frame hits. Using the pruning shears or saw (depending on your branch size) cut the branch alone the mark to fit the frame. Continue with each frame. Be sure to line up where a branch "leaves" one frame and picks up again in another. Often the branch will just wedge into the frame and you won't need to secure it. But if it doesn't, a spot of hot glue on the ends of the branches is all you need to hold them in place. Hang them on the wall leaving just an inch or two between each frame. Stand back and be impressed with yourself.