Framed Silhouettes
Decorating kids rooms is always a bit of a challenge when it comes to artwork. You want something that they kids will find fun and stimulating, but something that you don't mind looking at everyday when you're picking up toys or changing diapers. I decided to go for an updated silhouette - it's old fashioned, yet you can make it modern....and best thing...they cost me $1.00 each to make!
Background paper
Silhouette paper
Spray glue
So, here are a few tips when it comes to the materials. I used patterned background paper and a solid paper for the silhouette, but there are no rules here, it would look just as good reversed. For the artwork, search the web for free clip art outlines in whatever shape you want and just print them out in the desired size. For your frame, this is a perfect time to use old frames. If you don't like the color, hit them with some spray paint. If the glass is missing, don't worry about it, it's safer in the kid's room without glass....right?, right!
Take apart your frame and use the spray glue to attach your background paper. Trim with a utility knife or scissors. If your paper isn't big enough, just add an extra piece and line up the pattern, you won't even notice it....(that's what I did...can you see the seam? If you can, please don't tell me because I'm feeling pretty good about it.)
Take your artwork and use a light coat of spray glue to attach it to the WRONG side of your silhouette paper. Cut the shape out with scissors.
Flip the cutout to the correct side and use spray glue to attach it to your background. Slip it into your frame and you are DONE! Okay, now wasn't that easy!
Alright.....not so fast, there's more. I was so happy with those, that I decided I wanted to do something a little more grown up for Coco, who's 4 (and a half she would want me to add). She's a big fan of Dr. Seuss, so the Cat in the Hat seemed perfect.
Convinced I wouldn't be able to find the perfect background paper, I made my own by cutting 1" strips of red card stock and gluing it to white paper.
I then printed an image of the good cat himself and spray glued that to black card stock....
of course I had to do Thing 1 and Thing 2 as well.
I may not eat green eggs and ham, but I would certainly hang these in Coco's room.