Climbing the Walls - Tables that is
Shelving is always a tricky proposition. We all need it - for books, files, kids toys, family photos, treasured knick-knacks, but so often we don't have a lot of choices. Functional wood shelves work in a garage, metal baker's racks can work in a kitchen, but what do you do in the rest of the house if you don't want to spend beau-coup bucks on some custom cabinetry?Well, here's a little project that I did on Home Made Simple on the Oprah Winfrey Network that fits the bill (figuratively and literally!). A little trip to a neighborhood thrift store or a few garage sale stops on a Saturday and you'll have all you need to make functional shelves that are also a bit of a work of art.The tables themselves were $10 to $30 each. Don't worry about what condition they're end, instead look for great details and some beautiful lines. We then cut them down the middle and played around with the arrangement. Doing this you can create custom sized shelves that will perfectly fill a space and you're not limited to what's available in the stores. Once you have the arrangement you like it's just a matter of some nailing, gluing, and a couple of brackets. To finish it all off and to unify it into one beautiful sculpture, simply paint everything one solid color and.....Presto!Be sure to tune in to Home Made Simple on OWN, this Saturday morning at 9a/8c to catch me and see this project come to life.You can also find all the how-to details for this project at