Apothecary Snow Villiage

I made these snow scenes on Home & Family and am really in love with them. They seem to transport you inside of them with there promise of a calm rest inside a snowy cabin with a cup of hot chocolate. They are very easy to do and just take a few minutes. MaterialsApothecary Jar (a large glass cookie or pickle jar will work too)Epsom SaltsSpray snowBattery powered tealightMiniature houses (N or HO scale toy train houses are perfect, Hallmark house ornaments, or cardboard snow village houses all work well)Miniature trees (also from a train hobby shop or snow village section of the craft store) Steps- Fill your jar about a third of the way with Epsom salts to create your snow drift. Pilling the "snow" up on one side of the jar as you pour creates a more interesting landscape.- If your miniature houses have a solid bottom either cut a hole in them or pry them off. You need a space big enough at the bottom for the bulb of the tealight to fit.- Put your house and trees on a paper towel and give them a good hit with the spray snow. I really piled it on the houses making sure to make the roofs look really heavily laden.- Place your tealight in the salts in the location you want the house. Press in down so the base is buried in the snow.- Carefully (your snow is wet!) place your house over the tealight.- Cluster your trees around the house as desired to create a nice cozy cabin in the woods feel.- Add your top and you're done!