4th of July Doormat

We've all got old, nasty coir doormats that we should have thrown away ages ago - well fear not! Here's a quick re-do using regular spray paint! Measure in about 6" from each side of the mat. You've got two choices for masking off the area. Here I used masking tape. It can be a little tricky since the tape doesn't stick too well to the mat, but it will stick to the table on either side, so just spray carefully. Leaving about an 1" border against the red, spray paint the center white. Here I didn't use masking tape, but a piece of scrap plywood which I just held in place and painted against. You get a nice clean line, just keep the can close so you don't get overspray on the other band of red. You don't have to be too careful with this part, it just make the stars white, so focus on those three spots. Cut out three star templates from cardboard (or use foam stars if you have them laying around like I did), and lay them down the center of the white stripe. Line up your plywood or masking tape along the same line you used to paint the white. Spray paint blue over the white. Since the stars are just laying there, you need to paint straight down from above, this will keep the stars from being blown by the paint. Let there paint dry a bit, remove your star templates and voila!